Colonial America (1600-1750)




Task 1
Construct a timeline which includes 5 important events in education during the dates of 1600-1750. Examples
Major educational acts of congress
Landmark legal cases
Opening of new educational institution(s)
Major new educational theories proposed
New books/text written
Refer to the provided scoring guide when constructing your timeline. You must use a timeline format (see
example) to receive credit for this task.
Task 2
On page two on your document, answer the following questions using double-spaced, size 12 font.
Refer to the provided scoring guide when answering the questions.
Identify and briefly (75-100 words) explain two major historical events (those that had the greatest impact on
American Society) of this period
Identify and clearly explain the primary purpose of education
Explain the connection between the current events of this period and the purpose of education during this
What were the thoughts during this time in regards to:
Instructional providers
Identify which population received education and those (major) populations who were not educated.
Identify at least one landmark education case during this time period and its impact upon education




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