physical, cognitive and language development in early childhood



Use chapters 6 and 8 in the book ( Understanding human development Fourth edition) by wendy L. Dunn and Grace J. Craig. The book is provided below.



Q1. One of the key ideas in this chapter is that the development of a child’s physical skills, cognitive abilities, and language are interdependent – that these skills influence each other as they develop in complexity. Give an example of one of the major advances in thinking or language skills during the stage of early childhood, and explain how its emergence may depend on the development of particular physical abilities or a certain amount of brain maturation.

Q2. A common theme in the study of human development is the concept of interaction – the idea that various developmental processes influence each other in ways that are intertwined and interactive. Consider the major changes that occur during the period of middle childhood, and select one of these to analyze (e.g. learning to read or spell, ability to solve conservation problems, ability to hop on one foot, ability to draw a figure resembling a man or woman). Now comment on how at least three developmentally based factors (e.g. physical growth or maturation, brain development, specific instruction, encouragement from parents) come together to influence, or shape, how this ability emerges or develops. In noting the influence of each of these factors, be sure to comment on how they might interact to produce the more complex and advanced behavior that emerges in this period of the lifespan.


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