Individuals with developmental disabilities.







Week 11
Respond to classmate:
Instruction: Respond to two classmates on one page Reply thickly to two other students’ threads. After pick one question from the discussion leader and answer just one question.
1. Classmate 1
Thoughts Week 11
1. Imagine you work as an advocate in the city where the nursing home is located and you discover this particular unit dedicated to individuals with developmental disabilities. How would you argue that the City is violating the ADA?
(you will have the answer as soon as you accept the order)
1. As the advocate, assume you were able to raise the actions of the city in a lawsuit, what questions should the court ask in order to consider whether these individuals should be moved from the nursing home?
(you will have the answer as soon as you accept the order)

2. Classmate 2
Week 11 – Advocate scenario
Imagine you work as an advocate in the City where the nursing home is located, and you discover this particular unit dedicated to individuals with developmental disabilities. How would you argue that the City is violating the ADA?
(you will have the answer as soon as you accept the order)
As the advocate, assume you were able to raise the actions of the City in a lawsuit, what questions should the court ask in order to consider whether these individuals should be moved from the nursing home?
(you will have the answer as soon as you accept the order)

1. Discussion Leader
Discussion Leader Questions regarding Title II of the ADA
I identified the following questions based on the readings from this week. Feel free to answer just one that interest you.
1. Under what circumstances could states not use financial resources to justify confinement of individuals with developmental disabilities?
2. How did Title II of the ADA justify the integration of people with disabilities in the community?
3. How in Tennessee v. Lane was Title II interpreted by courts to broaden access to individuals with disabilities of “services, programs and activities provided by State and local government entities”?
4. What does Joseph Shapiro mean in No Pity (1999) when he says that individuals with disability have been treated as a “dependent caste” and that an “American apartheid has existed for them” (143).
5. Does sovereign immunity under the 11th Amendment of the US Constitution shield states from due-process claims filed under the 14th Amendment that allows individuals to sue states for denial of equal protection of the laws?




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