Connecting a Philosophy of Education with K-12 Historical Events



An effective educational leader has developed a personal philosophy of educational leadership that extends
the philosophy they developed as a teacher and can evaluate his or her personal philosophy of education
through the contextual lens of history and politics of K-12 education. An understanding of the major historical
events, political issues, and trends influencing education in the last 70 years should be reflected in this
leadership philosophy. This philosophy influences how the leader manages the strategic planning process and
the outcomes of the plan, as well as how the leader integrates diverse philosophies brought forward by
Write a paper (2,000-2,250 words) that connects your philosophy of education with the major historical events
and political issues that have influenced K-12 education over the last 70 years. Include the following in your
A summary of the major historical events and political issues that have influenced K-12 education over the last
70 years. (Benchmarks C7.1: Explore the history and politics of K-12 education.)
An identification of three current trends in education and describe your analysis and evaluation of their effects
on current leadership strategies, classroom practices, and student outcomes. (Benchmarks C7.4: Analyze and
evaluate current trends and issues in K-12 education with regard to their effects on leadership strategies,
classroom practices, and student outcomes.)

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