Working with Involuntary and Mandated Clients


review the document: Working with Involuntary and Mandated Clients. This provides some helpful considerations for engaging involuntary or mandated clients. There is also a brief review of Motivational Interviewing and an example role-play between a client and Case Manager.

Please consider the following in your discussion post:

· Please share your thoughts on how you can apply this information as a Social Worker.

· What did you learn about how to engage involuntary/mandated clients?

· What do you think are some of the benefits/challenges in working with voluntary vs involuntary clients?

review the following link: (Links to an external site.)

Tanya is a 10-year-old Hispanic, female who was referred by her teacher to meet with the School Social Worker. Tanya’s teacher reported that Tanya often plays by herself at recess and lunch and always seems nervous around the other children in her classroom. Tanya is reserved and feels anxious about meeting with the Social Worker.

Using the readings and the above vignette, please identify 2-3 engagement/assessment techniques you could apply to your initial meeting with Tanya. Please consider any cultural considerations.


Lesson 4 Discussion 2: Minimum of 200 words.

Please view the video below: Introduction to Mental Health Assessment. Pay close attention to the techniques that the provider uses to help engage/assess the client and any techniques that seem to negatively impact the engagement.

(Vignette 4 – Introduction to a Mental Health Assessment. (2013, May 22). [Video]. YouTube.

After viewing the video, please answer the following questions with explanations:

· What engagement/assessment techniques does the provider use that could be helpful in engaging Shawn?

· Are there any techniques the provider used that you think could be unhelpful?

· What would you do differently as you engage/assess Shawn?

Consider that the client is 16 years old.

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