Criminal Justice



Q-1 What is crime? Define. What is deviance? Define.
Q-2 What are the Uniform Crime Reports? What crimes do they measure?
Q-3 Explain the Social Disorganization Theory of Crime. How does this theory relate to criminal activity?
Q-4 Explain the Social Process Theory and how it relates to criminal behavior.
Q-5 The theory of specific deterrence holds that criminal sanctions should be so powerful that criminals would
never repeat their criminal acts, Do you agree with the basic premise of this theory? Why or why not?
Q-6 Discuss Robert Merton’s “Theory of Anomie”, How does it relate to criminal behavior?
Q-7 Explain Edwin Sutherland’s “Theory of Differential Association”. Identify the fundamental principles of
Sutherland’s Theory.
Q-8 DEFINE 1-Socialization 2- Subculture 3- Culture Conflict 4- Robbery.
Q-9- Discuss socioeconomic structure and crime.How do they interact?
Q-10 Explain the nature theory, explain the nurture theory.How do they differ?



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