Microeconomic Problem Analysis



(Problem is the trash and appearance of Wal-Mart parking lots- Sources if at all possible for Colorado)

A problem that I see in Wal-Mart chains is the overall trash outside of the building and quality of the experience when you go there. It doesn’t matter from which Walmart you go to or even the time, you will get the same thing at every store. The parking lots are always riddled with trash and debris. This drives customers away. If something is dirty why would people want to go in. With all of the revenue that Wal-Mart makes they could hire a full-time team to clean up the parking lots constantly to ensure that the ground that there paying customers are walking on is clean, because their store is clean. Should be anyways!

If I were to take over Walmart today, I would make sure that I fixed the presentation of the store, because I think that could entirely fix the stores public’s view of Wal-Mart.

Parking Lot upgrades – Painting the parking lot to attract customers
Trash / Greeters!


GT-SS1 Required Competencies and Learning Outcomes:
• CRITT1: Explain an Issue
o Use information to describe a problem or issue and/or articulate a question related to the topic.
• CRITT2: Utilize Context
o Evaluate the relevance of context when presenting a position.
o Identify assumptions.
o Analyze one’s own and others’ assumptions.
• CRITT5: Understand Implications and Make Conclusions
o Establish a conclusion that is tied to the range of information presented.
o Reflect on implications and consequences of stated conclusion.
• CIVEN2: Civic Knowledge
o Connect disciplinary knowledge to civic engagement through one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and/or government.

Assignment Instructions:

Analyze a microeconomic problem within your community and design an economic solution to the problem. Within your paper you must describe, discuss the background, and provide evidence of the problem. Explicitly account for any assumptions you or others make. Design an economic solution to the problem and discuss in detail how this would solve the problem.

Papers should be 4-5 double spaced pages in length. Papers must include a works cited page and be in MLA style. Your analysis should include 3 or more references in addition to your textbook. Graphs do not count towards the page limit. This paper will count for 100 points of your course grade.

Structure of the paper should fit the outline below and include the bolded headings:
I. Explain an Issue
a. Describe the problem, provide statistical evidence, identify any assumptions made (provide sources)
II. Utilize Context
a. Historical Background. Describe the changing conditions (economic, political and social) that impact the problem (provide sources)
b. Analyze any assumptions you or others have made about how to define and solve the problem
III. Understand Implications and Make Conclusions
a. Propose and discuss solutions to the problem (provide sources)
IV. Civic Knowledge
a. What organizations in your community are working to solve this problem? Identify the organizations, include their websites and state their missions. What measurable impact are they having on the community? (provide sources)






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