Lab Report


Write up your findings about the rocks in your stratigraphic correlation exercise in a lab report, following this format:
Title – Brief, but descriiptive.
Introduction – What was the topic and purpose of the lab?
Method – What samples and data were you given? How did you use this data to plot the rocks in the boreholes and correlate from one borehole to the next?
How did you determine the environment in which the rock formed and their relative ages?
Results – What rock units are present in this area, from oldest to youngest? Identify the location of the unconformity. Refer to your diagram and sketches.
Suggest a likely environment of deposition/formation for each rock unit.
Discussion – Based on your results, describe the development of this area, from the formation of the oldest rock, through the changes in sea level through
time, and the events leading to the landscape of today.
Conclusions – Brief summary of your findings.






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