Patient and staff safety

Perform scholarly research about a current event in Nursing. Here are some ideas:
• Nursing compensation
• Staffing ratios
• Mandatory overtime
• Patient and staff safety
• Ethical dilemmas (euthanasia, genomics, etc.)
Find 2-3 scholarly, academic resources about the issue you have selected. Review your text to ensure the source meets the standard for academic writing.
In a document provide the following for EACH source:
• Summarize the source you have found (1-2 paragraphs).
• Critically analyze the article (3-4 paragraphs):
o Is the article recent?
o Is the information current?
o Is the writing unbiased, or does it contain biased language? Use examples.
o What is the strongest point in the article? Provide quote which supports your choice.
o Where is the article the weakest? Provide a quote which supports your choice.

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