VAWA benefits



Aminata is a citizen of Mali. She arrived on a visitor’s visa to visit her sister, and met and married Moussa, another native of Mali. Moussa obtained his US citizenship many years ago following a successful application for asylum. Moussa has abused Aminata continuously throughout their marriage and she has told no one. The couple has a disabled child who receives early childhood intervention services from a social worker who suspects there are issues of domestic violence. She advises Aminata to seek legal help but Aminata is afraid to do so because she lacks legal immigration status. The social worker brings Aminata to see you so that you can explain what legal remedies may be available to her. During the conversation with Aminata, you learn that Moussa may not have been free to marry her because his first wife is alive and well in Mali.
Is there a way for Aminata to apply for VAWA benefits despite this? What more would you need to know before you can determine whether she qualifies? (see pages 396-397)

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