Food Web Project


Materials needed:
✔ Large sheet of paper
✔ Pictures of organisms
✔ Ruler
✔ Scissors
✔ Glue
✔ Pencil

Read the summary below. Using the pictures given, construct the food web described.


Construct the food web from the given information
o Title [all caps & underlined] – 1 pt.
o All arrows [right direction, arrow heads, etc.] – 15 pts.
o Trophic levels [clearly defined, organisms not haphazard] – 1 pt.

Use the information from your food web to answer the following:
1. Which organism has the MOST diet options?
______________________________________________ [1 pt.]

2. Which producer is fed on most?
______________________________________________ [1 pt.]

3. Who are the primary consumers?
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ [4 pts.]

4. Explain how removal of the pacific black duck population would affect the waterboatman population.
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ [2 pts.]


TOTAL ~ 25 pts.






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