Health care leadership competencies


Conduct a candid self-assessment of your health care leadership competencies and construct an 8-12-page comprehensive individual leadership development plan that can help you take your organization into the future.
Different types of health care organizations have different visions, missions, values, and cultures. Leaders must assess the community and organization to determine what type of leadership best fits the organizational context. Effective leaders are those who are consistent, credible, authentic, flexible, and engage in continuous learning.
You will have your own brand of personal and professional leadership. It is important to periodically assess the fit of your style relative to the current environment and changing needs of the organization. Leaders who add value align their efforts and lead teams towards organizational goals. Research-based tools such as those developed by the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) are available to assist with the task of developing and aligning your skill sets with the changing needs of your organization.
By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success. By comparing areas of strength and weakness to the skill sets required to lead an organization, it is easier to determine the specific skill areas that need to be developed. Once you identify skills that need improvement, it is possible to develop an action plan to strengthen weaker areas and highlight strengths. A good action plan should contain specific strategies as well as a way to measure success.

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