Communication Eveulation Of Interview


craft a critical reflection that presents the perspective of someone whose voice is to some extent silenced or muted by a more dominant culture. Successful completion of this assignment will require you to develop an interview guide, gather data by conducting the interview, and write up your results in an interesting that provides your critical reflections. Adhere to the following as you work.

Identify someone whose voice is to some extent silenced, muted, or otherwise unrecognized by a more dominant/powerful culture (e.g., single parents, stay-at-home fathers, domestic abuse victims, religious co-cultural group, stigmatized groups, social/political co-cultural group, those experiencing certain physical limitations/medical conditions).
Develop an interview guide to help you structure the interview. In addition to gathering the basics (e.g., who, what, where, when), this guide should contain plenty of intelligent and well-planned questions that elicit meaningful and richly detailed responses.

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