Insights concerning various aspects of patient care

The learning outcomes on NR351 provided me with in-depth insights concerning various aspects of patient care and quality improvement in nursing practice. The Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency Committee (NOFNCC) includes patient-based care, professionalism, leadership, system-based training, informatics and technology, communication, teamwork and collaboration, quality improvement, safety, and evidence-based practice (Phoenix Bittner et al., 2017). Professional nurses should adhere to the existing ethical and legal frameworks to prevent or minimize ethical concerns associated with the care provided. The learning outcomes solidify some of the most important moral values and professionalism in nursing practice. The competencies are useful in guiding the actions and strategies used by the professional nurses in providing adequate and safe care to patients. This reflection discussion will explore learning outcomes as far as the NR351 is concerned.
The most important core competencies areas include patient-centered care and effective communication. Usually, patient-based care is crucial in achieving improved patient care outcomes based on the patient’s values, needs, and preferences. Nurses provide holistic care that recognizes an individual the inputs of the client. In this context, patient-based care is associated with increased patient satisfaction and the overall improvement in care quality. Usually, patients are unique and have unique care needs and preferences (Phoenix Bittner et. al, 2017). Professional nurses should accommodate the patient’s needs and respect their space, including privacy and confidentiality in tandem with the nursing principles of autonomy and justice.
Secondly, effective communication is useful in facilitating effective care and treatment services. It is key in delegating duties and responsibilities to team members in an interdisciplinary context. Usually, excellent communication is crucial in ensuring the success of care coordination and sharing skills and competencies among the multidisciplinary teams. Poor care coordination is associated with increased sentinel events such as medication errors, high hospital readmission rates, and increased workload among professional nurses. The existing organizational culture also promotes effective communication. Therefore, the selected core competencies are heart the heart of improved care quality and patient’s levels of satisfaction as far as the provision of essential care and treatment services is concerned.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) states nine essentials that professional nurses should embrace and integrate into nursing practice. In this case, I think essential VIII (professionalism and professional values) is important in improving the quality of care and treatment services (Burton, Williams, & Anderson, 2019). I have selected this basic because it transforms the care provision and attaining desired patient care outcomes within practical clinical settings. Professionalism and adherence to the existing ethical standards are important in navigating the contemporary nursing challenges, including moral dilemmas in the administration of essential care. Professional nurses should be guided by values and demonstrate a high sense of ethical behavior when providing basic care and treatment services. Some of the deals include promoting human dignity, integrity, social justice, and altruism (Burton, Williams, & Anderson, 2019). I will integrate such values into my future professional endeavors as a professional nurse. Therefore, AACN Essential is at the heart of promoting and fostering ethical practices in nursing practice.

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