● Instructions: ○ In preparation for this assignment, students should read leading content by Dhaliwal and Hirst (2016); Choudhry, Armstrong, and Dregan (2017); and Williams and Heavey (2014).
○ Students who complete an individual assignment should write a 2-page-page (approximately 500 words): ■ Based on readings, students should define and describe the role of the correctional nurse. Students should compare what they learned about the correctional nurse role with the role of nurses in other settings. In addition, students should consider what preparation and experience would be helpful to succeed in a correctional nursing role. Students should use citations as appropriate.
• ● Instructions: • In preparation for this assignment, students should explore websites and scholarly sources that discuss characteristics of, and health issues related to, the prison population. In addition, students should learn about developing an infographic, which is a visual image such as a chart or diagram that represents data and information. ▪https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/free-ppt-infographic-templates-designs-ht or other sources of your choice for ideas on infographics.
• • Students should create an infographic (visual representation) that depicts demographics, characteristics, and common health issues of the prison population. The infographic should address factors such as racial/ethnic mix, gender, age, chronic health conditions, mental health conditions, addictions, and communicable diseases. Students should include citations within the infographic.
Assignment #2b: Reflection: Prison Population
● Instructions: ○ This activity should be completed after the Prison Population Infographic activity. ■ Students should write a short reflection about their Prison Population Infographic. Students should reflect on how their thinking about the prison population has been shaped through the development and review of the infographics.
From the context of the prison population as a community, students should propose 2 interventions targeting improvement of the health of the prison population. Students should address 2 wedges of the Public Health Interventions Wheel with these interventions.