Demographic change


Changes in the make-up of a population can also affect society. As the makeup of our society in terms of sex, race, age, et cetera, changes, so do many structural and cultural elements of society. How would our society be different if most of the population was under the age of 10? Or over the age of 70?
Ideas and Change: Technology is often a driving force behind social change and has brought significant changes to our society. Think back to twenty years ago—how different was society in terms of technology? How did that impact your everyday life? In our current time, our cell phone alarm wakes us up, we check our smart phone, make some coffee in our Keurig, remote start our car, and then use our navigation system to get us to work. This is a significantly different experience than we had twenty years ago.
As you reflect on your life and experiences in Assessment 6, consider how much has changed over the course of your lifetime. What are some major social changes? What do you think had changed for the better? For the worse?




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