Our nation-building stories


Our nation-building stories tell of brave people who tore up roots to come to contribute to the USA. Most immigrants, we learn, were not welcomed with open arms, but rather faced bitter discrimination. Our nation building stories tell of brave people who tore up roots to come to contribute to the USA. Most immigrants, we learn, were not welcomed with open arms, but rather faced bitter discrimination.

What were the historical and economic conditions that drove Chinese men immigrants to the U.S.? How did the U.S. benefit from Chinese immigration? How did the experience of Chinese women differ from men? In what ways did the experience of Japanese immigrants differ from their Chinese predecessors?

What attributes did the Chinese and Japanese share that made their ‘welcome’ into American culture more problematic than that of the Irish and the Jews? Which of these four groups was made to feel most welcome the most quickly? Your answer should discuss race and religious differences, and political policies, and specifically what has come to be known as the wages of whiteness



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