The thyroid hormone





The thyroid hormone plays a vital role in the regulation of bodily functions. The thyroid hormone is “a chemical substance that is made by the thyroid gland and is essential for the function of every cell in the body” (Thyroid Hormone, 2008). The thyroid gland produces three hormones known as triiodothyronine (T3), tetraiodothyronine (T4) and calcitonin. According to Du et al., (2019), thyroid hormones play an important role in the regulation of metabolism including energy expenditure; thermogenesis; and protein, carbohydrate, and lipid metabolism. T3 and T4 increase the metabolic rate thereby increasing the workload and energy needs for all the cells in the body. This elevation leads to increased body temperature, stronger heartbeat and increased pulse rate. As a result, “food is used up more quickly because energy stored in the liver and muscles is broken down” (Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, 2018). Finally, calcitonin is made in the C-cells and involves calcium and bone metabolism. In addition to metabolism, “virtually every organ system in the body is affected by thyroid hormone” (Shahid et al., 2021). These systems include the heart, respiratory, central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, skeletal, reproductive, and gastrointestinal and growth during childhood.

Concerning the heart, thyroid hormones have a permissive effect on catecholamines. It increases the expression of beta-receptors to increase heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output and contractility. In the lungs, thyroid hormones stimulate the respiratory centers and lead to increased oxygenation because of increased perfusion. The skeletal muscles are affected as thyroid hormones cause increased development of type II muscle fibers that are fast twitch muscle fibers capable of fast powerful contractions. During growth in childhood, thyroid hormones work synergistically with growth hormone to stimulate bone growth as it induces chondrocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Thyroid hormone also helps with brain maturation by axonal growth and the formation of the myelin sheath. Finally, thyroid hormone affects fertility, ovulation, and menstruation. (Shahid et al., 2021).


Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. (2018). How does the thyroid gland work?

Du, F. M., Kuang, H. Y., Duan, B. H., Lui, D. N., & Yu, X. Y. (2019). Effects of thyroid hormone and depression on common components of central obesity. The Journal of International Medical Research, 47(7), 3040-3049.

Shahid, M. A., Ashraf, M. A., & Sharma, S. (2021). Physiology, thyroid hormone. StatPearls Publishing.

Thyroid Hormone. (2008). Webster’s new world medical dictionary (3rd ed.). Houghton Mifflin.

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