Language and Literacy


Select one class or group of children for your edTPA and provide relevant context information.
Identify a learning segment (3–5 consecutive learning experiences) to plan, teach, and analyze children’s learning.
Determine a central focus for your learning segment that will allow you to address children’s language and literacy development in an interdisciplinary context through active and multimodal learning experiences.
Write and submit a plan for each learning experience within the learning segment.
Select and submit key instructional materials.
Identify the vocabulary3 children need to know and use to engage in the learning experience. Identify the learning activity where children are supported to use this vocabulary.
Respond to commentary prompts prior to teaching the learning segment.
Submit copies and/or directions for all planned assessments from the learning segment (see Assessment Task 3 for directions on the common assessment and collection of work samples).
Identify 2 focus children (see Instruction Task 2 and Assessment Task 3 for directions on choosing the focus children, video evidence, and work samples).

¤ Part A: Context for Learning Information (I have already completed this part. I just provided it for your information).
¤ Part B: Plans for Learning Segment (I have provided the template for you).
¤ Part C: Instructional Materials (Needs to be on a separate word document)
¤ Part D: Assessments (Needs to be on a separate word document).
¤ Part E: Planning Commentary (I have provided the template for you).

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