Exhibition Prosthetics



Read the text “Exhibition Prosthetics” found here; https://saic.instructure.com/courses/3387214/files/225717388/download?wrap=1

Actions by artist, curator, cultural critic, and disability theorist Joseph Grigely. Add a comment below or respond to someone else’s comment.


You may respond in any way you like, but if you need a starting point, here are some questions:

• How would you define this term exhibitions prosthetics in your won words?

• How are exhibition making and disability theory connected? • What are some examples of what Grigely calls exhibition

prosthetics that you have seen at an exhibition? • How did these examples help or effect your experience of

the exhibition? • Is there a certain project that piques your interest? Why? • How does Grigely characterize the role of the caption? What

is its role in our understanding of art and in disability theory?



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