Student performance outcomes





“Improving student performance outcomes on standardize testing for 7th grade science Chicago Public schools”

create a title page (see syllabus Appendix A).
describe the context (setting) for your topic (problem) to include sub-headings:
the community
the school
all school, community, district, or county identification attributes will remain anonymous
Identify the approved topic
Describe your topic rationale (include a data table to support the problem)
Explain how research ethics will be followed with your proposed topic
Cite and reference your work.

To apply what you have learned, you will develop a bibliography consisting of five primary research articles related to your topic that have the potential to address the problem identified in your topic description by:

Creating a title page (see Syllabus Appendix A)
Conducting an online literature search and downloading and saving the articles as a .pdf file.
Identifying the five primary research articles related to your topic that are:
peer-reviewed research articles
not more than six years old.

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