“Loving the Trinity,” by James White

Question A: Read the following excerpt from “Loving the Trinity,” by James White (Christian Research Journal, vol. 21, no. 4):
Without the Trinity, you have no gospel. Surprised by that assertion? Many today present the gospel to unbelievers without ever mentioning the Triune God, so how can I say the gospel and the Trinity are inextricably linked? If some seem to manage without it, why complicate things?

In reality, no one has ever presented the gospel without referring to the Trinity. Whenever we quote John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,” we are referring to the Trinity, for such a passage assumes the existence, deity, and power of the Father and the existence, separate personhood, and ministry of the Son.

Do you agree with White? Explain your position on the relationship between the doctrine of the Trinity and sharing the gospel.


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