The culmination of the Ethnographic Interview


the culmination of the Ethnographic Interview series and will contain analysis of the interview findings, reflection on the role of the researcher in the process, and discussion on how you might use the research concepts used in this interview series in your interactions with people from different cultural backgrounds in your field of study or ministry. The interview analysis and reflection must include Cultural Anthropology concepts from the Howell and Paris textbook and other scholarly sources used in your research this term. This is the final of four assignments of the Ethnographic Interview series.
The paper should include the following 6 sections:
1. Introduction: Briefly describe the interviewee’s background. Describe the setting of your interview and how you prepared for the interview.
2. Worldview: Describe the interviewee’s underlying rationale (this is the collection of values and beliefs that are the source of the interviewee’s practices). What does the interviewee believe about humanity and God? How do these beliefs impact their values and practices?
3. Cultural Values and Practices: Describe the cultural values and practices relating to communication and societal, marital, and familial relationships from the interviewee’s culture. Why are these values significant and how do they impact the interviewee’s practices?
4. Conflict: Show how the interviewee’s rationale (value, beliefs, and practices) impact their interactions with people from other cultures. How has or might the interviewee’s rationale lead to conflict when engaging people from other cultures and how might they resolve these conflicts? **If the interviewee told you that they have not experienced any conflict with people from other cultures, you will need to use your own knowledge, based on your research on this culture, to discuss potential conflict that could arise as a result of their values, beliefs, and practices.
5. Reflection: How did your knowledge of the anthropological perspective, participant observation, and rapport impact the interview and this analysis? What role did you play as the researcher/interviewer? What role did the research conducted before the interview play in the interview process? How did the pre-interview research and your personal worldview impact your perception of how the interviewee might respond to the questions prepared before the interview? Were there any surprises?
6. Conclusion: So, what? How might you apply the ethnographic interview concepts to interactions with people in your field of study or ministry?

Incorporating Cultural Anthropology concepts from the course textbooks and other scholarly sources is required for this analysis. How might you incorporate Cultural Anthropology concepts into the paper? If the interview shows that the interviewee’s communication practices play a significant role in their ability to communicate with people in their own community and with people from other cultures, make the connection to Howell and Paris’ discussion on language in chapter 3 of the textbook. Describe the interviewee’s communication practices and how the practices impact the interviewee’s interactions with others. Incorporate concepts from Howell and Paris that help expand/explain elements described from the interview. If the interviewee code-switches in their communication with others, weave in Howell and Paris’ insight on the topic and show how the use of this element impacts the interviewee’s communication with others. This same method may be used for incorporating research findings from other research sources into the paper.

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