Director of HR for Delta Virtual Reality


Imagine that you are the Director of HR for Delta Virtual Reality, a leader in the technology industry. The industry is rapidly changing and very fast-paced.
Unfortunately, in recent months, the company has not been performing well compared to competitors. You are going to meet with top management to discuss the need for talent acquisition and/or talent development. What would you emphasize in making your business case as to why the company should focus on acquisition, development, or both? Explain in detail using the text as a guide.
Discussion/Participation (5 points per original post)
Participation during online discussions are important for the student’s success. Students should
always check Canvas daily for discussion topics and other online assignments. Each week
discussion question(s) will be administered. The student is expected to contribute and respond to
their peers (at least two responses) stimulating conversation and provoking critical thinking
amongst one another. Student responses should not be their opinion only but should reference the
text or current literature. Responses should include details beyond “I agree…very good comment.”

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