Plan A Meeting And Inform The Team



Plant Pals recently shipped test batches of plants to customers in advance of the formal service launch. To gauge customer satisfaction with the product and the service, your team surveyed 50 customers over a period of four weeks. After two weeks, the survey revealed three major issues concerning product quality, delivery timelines, and customer support. This feedback helped you make improvements to later test shipments.

Once you completed the survey, you presented the most important data points to your core team and outlining possible next steps. Your insights included:

On-time deliveries rose from 80% to 90% by the end of the survey—a solid improvement, but still short of our 95% target.
Customers overwhelmingly prefer deliveries before normal business hours and early in the day.
Satisfaction with support increased once we fixed the customer service software problem, but there is still room for improvement.
Many respondents found the guides and tutorials helpful. A number of customers volunteered that a live chat option would further improve customer support.
You’ve decided to schedule a meeting with your team to discuss these insights, solicit feedback, and discuss your proposed next steps.


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