1. Sort the dataset by Ascending order on Sales
2. I want some basic summary statistics on at least 2 of the variables. Interpret the results.
a. Now Select all the sales information whose ages were greater than 40. Compare that with those less than. What do you notice?
b. Select all the franchises where advertising spent was more than $8,200 and sales were greater than $200,000. Do you think it was worth that money?
c. Make a new column called “Owner age” and label the data where the owners ages are “very young” if it is between 20-30, “young” if 31-40 and “old” is 41-55
d. Make a new ratio variable and add it as another column based on 2 columns.
e. Create a scatterplot of Franchises Sales and inventory. What is the correlation? Interpret the results.