Abrams, legal convergence and instrumentalism


According to Bo Abrams, legal
convergence and instrumentalism, both support the notion that in matters of
societal importance, such as allocation of water resources, the law will
converge around the most effective solutions.



you read the article : https://commons.law.famu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1247&context=faculty-research



1. Explain how water is an
“instrument of economic policy” and how entire governments are centered around
controlling water. (1-page)



2. Reasonable Use Riparianism –
what are the major stressors besides climate that are effecting areas of the
US? How are these areas dealing with adaptation and mitigation of these
stressors. (1-page)



3. Explain the linkage between
eastern and western laws under regulated riparianism. In other words, what is
defining the convergence?(1-page)

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