The current pandemic on the socialization of children








How is the current pandemic on the socialization of children?”

Please use the of the sources uploaded and the links below. I have some notes on just children social development. With the other two sourcs. Total five that I are needed. Not cited property. Thank you for the help. The asigment requirements have been uploaded as well.

G. H. Mead

Infants and young children, according to Mead, develop as social creatures by copying the actions of those around them.

He believed that infants developed self-awareness through a process of play he called “playing the role of the other,” in which they learned to separate the “me” from the “I.”

At 8 or 9 years old, Mead reasoned, children enter a new stage of development, in which they learn to play organized games with rules that represent social ideals.

The relevance of other people in molding a child’s sense of self was demonstrated by Charles Horton Cooley.

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