

Over the years, technology has greatly influenced ethical-decision making in healthcare. Healthcare has experienced several medical changes made possible by the evolving technology. The availability of high technology has been changing the practices of doctors. So much has evolved, especially when it comes to the different ways in which healthcare is being produced. Medical technology has advanced, it has become more effective, and people state that it is becoming costly day after the other (Konttila et al., 2019). Since the cost is increasing and the services being offered are effective, most healthcare facilities have been forced to increase their demand for high technology, especially when it comes to diagnostic facilities. The trends in healthcare decision-making support the transition from the rationale based on where people would use resources to where the doctors can derive their rationale from conducting research.
The health facilities should realize the importance of developing new healthcare technology. Increased productivity is becoming a demand in various facilities because it ensures that the patients are offered cost-effective services. Most issues in healthcare facilities that lie in decision-making include cost and benefit analysis. People will always find it difficult to place a lot of value on a person’s life. With technology in a healthcare facility, there is the chance of convincing people to decide for their patients (Konttila et al., 2019). Before making technological changes, ethics and medicine were never in any conflict. A physician would always try their best to save a patient’s life. With the technology available, it has been a matter of making a choice or decision on what a patient wants. With technology, physicians are required to practice more on ethics. They must know what is right and wrong before carrying out a procedure on a patient. Now that there is technology, physicians have the opportunity to save more lives.

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