Essentials of Strategic Management,





Gamble, J., Peteraf, M., & Thompson, A. (2021). Essentials of Strategic Management, 7thEdition. NY, NY: McGraw-Hill


(1) What is strategy? Why is having a distinct strategy important? What are some barriers that companies face as they attempt to execute their strategy in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic?

(6) Within the framework of the Five-Forces Model of Competition, describe the competitive force of the bargaining power of suppliers. What are some of the factors that increase supplier bargaining power? What conditions would decrease supplier bargaining power?

(8) What is a company’s business model? Why is it so important that a company get its business model right? How have some companies adapted their business model to survive in the wake of the COVID-19 global pandemic?

(12) What do we mean by the term competitive strategy? What are the five basic options that a company has for a competitive strategy? What are some basic ways that a company executes its competitive strategy? How has the COVID-19 global pandemic affected company competitive strategies.




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