research and become familiar with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) background and the literature that supports the prevalence and recovery of ACL injury.
Minimum 2 scholarly articles on ACL prevention
APA format (12pt font, double spaced, title page, reference page)
2 pages (not including cover page and reference page)
Page 1: Cover page (APA format)
Page 2: Research analysis and questions
Page 3: Research analysis and questions
Page 4: Reference Page
Reference within your text in APA format.
Write your research paper on ACL prevention by answering/addressing the following (in any order):
Introduction/Background (Mechanism of injury, treatment, recovery time according to the literature, etc.)
Predictors for ACL injury (gender, sport, etc.)
Preventative measures to ACL injury (FIFA 11+)
List and describe at least 3 preventative measures to ACL injury
FIFA 11+
What is it?
What is the importance of each component and how can you relate it to prevention of ACL injury?
Analyze your articles (what does research support?)