Judgment in terms of External criteria


While evaluating in terms of external criteria you judge the communication based either on selected accepted and recognized criteria or standards. You compare the communication with other communications in the same category based on the highest expectations set for that category. You also substantiate your judgment with proof and correct data.
Comparing to the highest standards set within the specific field of knowledge, literature or fine arts requires some knowledge of the standards applied in the respective field. This knowledge is acquired throughout the educational process and through individual reading and exploration.
In the second paragraph answer the following questions.

Make judgments about the writing or phenomena based on selected or remembered criteria or standards.

Make statements that are carefully based on the exactness of proof and documentation.

Is the topic clear? why?

Is it written in academic language? why?

What is the author’s purpose of the writing?

Classify the communication accordingly. Is it a literary work of a specific genre, is it expository writing or is it scientific publication?

Did the author achieve his purpose? Why?

Is the information relevant? why?

Substantiate the conclusion with proof from the writing.

-Paragraph III

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