addressing from the Riverbend City


For your final assignment, return again to the issue you are addressing from the Riverbend City: Examining the Ruby Lake Community media piece. For the purposes of this assignment, develop the basic narrative of a program proposal. In your program proposal, focus on the following critical aspects, as identified by Lewis, Packard, and Lewis (2007):

Articulate the real need for the proposed project (based on your revised Unit 3 assignment).
State clear and attainable project objectives (based on the revised Unit 5 assignment).
Suggest a plan of action that corresponds to the project’s goals and objectives.
Identify and justify the methodological approach used to design the program.
Support the program model by citing research and best practices.
Argue that the applying organization is the best positioned to carry out the proposed project and meet the project goals in the due timeframe.
Comment on how the budget is justified and appropriate for the scope of the project.
Evaluate quality assurance measures and indicators for the program.
Analyze cultural, ethical, and sustainability considerations relevant to the program, taking into consideration the specifics of the organization, the target population, and the social problem in general.
Include clear, feasible, and appropriate ideas for program evaluation, advocacy, and information-sharing strategies.

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