Retirement plan




Some type of retirement plan for the firm. Although everyone working for the firm is still in their 20s, she believes a defined contribution plan in which employees contribute a portion of their pre-tax salary, to be matched up to some limit by a contribution from LearnlnMotion, contribute to the sense of commitment she and Pierre would like to create among their employees. However, Pierre isn’t so sure. His position is that if they don’t get sales up pretty soon, they’re going to burn through their cash. Now they want you, their management consultant, to help them decide what to do.


1 -Which benefit and services policy would you recommend LearnlnMotion change first and why?

2 -What changes would you recommend to Jennifer

regarding their lack of a vacation policy?

3 -As most of LearnlnMotion’s staff are in their 20s, what type of pension plan would appeal to this employee demographic? Why?

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