How Spotify saved the music industry.


In your own words, you need to explain how Spotify saved the music industry. This is not a summary of the podcast. That was the previous paragraph. Remember, you are looking at this writing assignment through the lens of an economist. You will need to research the short-run and long-run effects that Spotify had on the music industry, going beyond what has been explained in the podcast. Do not copy and past graphs or charts from outside sources. Are there others like Spotify that have changed their own respective industries? What are they? How was the industry affected? Was it good or bad? Your analysis should use the economic concepts you have learned in class. In other words, the analysis should focus on how topics covered in class are applicable/relevant to the real world. Be sure to demonstrate your analysis using graphs and/or models learned in class. Be careful to address the appropriate audience. Remember; to narrow your focus so that your analysis can be more in-depth. That is much more important than hitting every point made in the article. You are required to do in-depth research into this issue going beyond the podcast and text. Assume your reader has taken this course and only understands microeconomic theories in the context of the theories covered in this class. You are expected to use at least one of the concepts covered in class. Policy Recommendation (20 points): This is the most important aspect of this assignment. Students are expected to clearly and in detail provide a policy recommendation. In this section, you need to think of an industry that needs improvement. How would you go about making a change such that it brings about a revolutionary change? Think of the impacts companies like Facebook, Uber, Spotify has had on their respective industries. Again, I expect you to use multiple models in this section. The analysis portion has the potential to be varied in nature. However, I recommend sticking to my guidelines below: Provide a summary of your policy recommendation and explain how it works. Then, critically evaluate your policy recommendation.


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