Verbal and nonverbal communication skills.




Communication is essential in every aspect of life. To research career paths and potential positions, network, and share your skills, you need to use both verbal and nonverbal communication skills. The following are three different activities for you to complete with your family or friends. Please follow the instructions provided within the description of each exercise. After you have completed these activities, summarize your findings in an APA-formatted paper.

Your paper should include the following:

A description of each exercise
A discussion of the results of each exercise
Research on the importance of listening skills in the communication process, using at least 3 non-course-related sources
APA formatting
Summary Paper Details

Selective Listening Exercise: You will need to complete this exercise with another person. Create a list of like items (e.g., a list of fruits). This list needs to be at least 15 words long (the longer the better). In this list, you will repeat certain words. For example: Banana, Orange, Apple, Peach, Banana, Figs, Pear, Plums, Figs, Berries, Melons, Figs, Cherries, Limes, Pear, Tangerine, Lemon, Pear. Give the other person 30 seconds to write down as many of the words as possible. What were the results? What conclusions about listening can you draw from this exercise?


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