Consider the scenario below.
The northwestern United States has experienced a blackout. Washington, Oregon, and Idaho are all without power. Assume your state and jurisdiction is located in either Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. The unusually hot summer for the area has resulted in high electrical consumption, which has overloaded the electricity grid. Today, the core servers and remote sites began to fail. The power system in the area experienced a major loss of all systems. Within 1 hour, nearly one third of each state was affected. Throughout the blackout areas, businesses shut down, rioting became an issue, traffic became gridlocked, people were stranded in elevators, and the 911 system became jammed with all of the response calls. Responders are having a hard time responding because of the traffic gridlock. Media outlets are reporting that the power outage is because of a terrorist attack, even though it is unknown.
During the incident, please describe the actions that your jurisdiction would take utilizing the multiagency coordination system (MACS). Discuss how the MACS would prioritize resources. As you respond to your classmates, discuss why you think they will choose this prioritization. Explain your rationale.