Decision-making strategy


1. As a leader, when should you not delegate a decision? (10 points)
2. Please explain a Blue Ocean Strategy and why pursuing it is a smart decision-making strategy? (10 points)
3. From the book “Streetlight and Shadows”, explain the terms: anchoring, framing and heuristics. How do they impact our decision-making capabilities? (15 points)
4. The book ‘Blind Spots’ gives us several ideas on how to improve ourselves as holistic individuals, starting with helping us understand the gaps between “intended and actual ethical behavior”. Provide two examples from the book to help you become more ethically self-aware. (15 points)
5. Klein statement “We can make better decisions if we are prepared for complexity and ambiguity rather than have data will tell us everything.” Agree or disagree. Why? (15 points)
6. Discuss the steps to recover from a bad decision? (15 points)
7. As a result of this class name three things, you would do differently while making complex decisions? Please include a description of a complex decision and provide why you selected these 3 items. (20 points)

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