Nurse Leader Interview



Designated specialty role: Nursing Director,

Interview (in person, face to face) a leader relevant to the designated specialty role of choice that would hire a Master of Science prepared nurse (Advanced Practice Nurse) in your specialty. The nurse leader interview will be developed into an APA formatted pap3r.

1. Brief introduction of the leader being interviewed, including (One paragraph):

a. Brief biography of the interviewee

b. Organization represented (Miami).

c. Explain why this individual was chosen for the interview in light of your selected nursing specialty role.

2. A Learning Conversation, state each question you posed along with the interviewee’s responses (Nine paragraphs. One paragraph per each question: Total nine paragraphs)

a. Determine from the interviewee what are the mission/vision/ goals of the organization.

b. Describe the interviewee’s expectations of an advanced practice nurse- a leader within his, or her specialty.

c. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes for the Bachelor of Science prepared nurse to academically excel at the advanced practice nursing level

d. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes to transition to a nurse leader in this organization.

d. Discuss what the interviewee believes about what is be a leader

e. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes to be a good leader

f. Discuss what the interviewee believes it takes for attempt to transition into new specialty nursing

g. Discuss what the interviewee believes about the advantages of transition into a new organization

h. Discuss what the interviewee believes about the added improvement in the skills and competencies professional of transition into new specialty nursing for the nurses


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