Create a Body of Work

Create a small body of work. Choose one of the types of photography covered in Unit 3, and create a group of 4 images in that type. You will need to choose a topic to take images of. The images need to be relative and cohesive as a group, meaning the viewer will be able to tell all images were created by the same person. You will need to explain your creative process from beginning to end. Submit your images with answers to the following questions. Please answer each question in a complete sentence.

• Why did you choose that type of photography?
• How did you decide what you were going to shoot?
• What did you find most difficult when creating these images?
• What aspect did you like the most? The least?
• How do you think your images relate as a whole? Are they cohesive?
• Explain your process from beginning to end. (How did you come up with the idea? Did you look at any influences or other artist’s work for inspiration? Did you write down your ideas or just go with the flow? How did you decide which images to use?)

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