Play Review: Play Title


Your critique/review should be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12pt. The paper should follow the following format, contain at least 6 paragraphs, and be at least 2 pages in length.

Play Review: Play Title



Paragraph 1: Introduction & Preview

A. What you plan to write about: Play, _____, by _____ at _____ Theatre

B. Choose 1-2 Characters to describe & comment upon—don’t try to cover them all

C. Discuss the Text, Direction

D. Choose 2 Production Values to discuss: How do they enhance/detract from production?
a. Scenery
b. Lighting
c. Costumes
d. Sound
e. Props

Paragraph 2-5: Review Body:

Par. 2: Favorite Actor/Character: Characters & Conflict

Par.3: Discuss Text: What is the genre of the play and what is the playwright’s purpose in telling the story?

Par. 4: Discuss Director: How does the director’s concept enhance or detract from story & message?

Par. 5: Production Values #1 & #2
a. Scenery: What is your first impression of the world of the play that is being represented based on the set? How does the set help tell the story throughout the performance? How are the moving elements of the set incorporated into the play? Are they effective, and why or why not? What does the painting style look like, and how does that effect the audience’s perception of the environment? How do the furniture pieces tie into the production?

b. Lighting: How do the lighting effects direct the audience’s attention through the performance to help tell the story? What effect do the designer’s color choices have on the story that is being told?
c. Costumes: How do the costumes help to let the audience know who each character is? What do the costumes tell you about the character’s age, social status, education level, etc.?
d. Sound: How do the music and sound effects help to sculpt the experience of the show for the audience? What does it add to the performance?
e. Props: Are there any props that are highlighted during the performance and how are they incorporated into the story being told? Are they effective at assisting with the story telling, and why or why not?


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