How lead paint is damaging our children


Read how lead paint is damaging our children:
In Chapter 8, Human Development through the Lifespan, we explore the question of what is human development? What does it look like in life? Carol Dweck theory is one example of human development.
Please read article: Carol Dweck’s Theory of mindsets ( ) In this article, Carol Dweck presents a her theory of how humans develop based on the basic beliefs that they hold.
1)Your task is to describe why Dweck believes that some people have the capacity to learn, improve and grow, and some people don’t change, they stay stuck.
2) Is intelligence and personality fixed? Explain.
3) Present your understanding of Dweck’s Theory of Two Mindsets. What is a “mindset” how does it relate to a person’s personality, level of intelligence?
3) What does Dweck say about “the power of basic beliefs”? What is a basic belief? How do beliefs affect our personality?
4) How is it that beliefs are powerful?
5) Describe what Dweck means by the impact of changing your basic beliefs.
You can also view this video where Dweck explains her theory- the power of believing you can improve.

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