Problem with procrastination


1. Your friend has a problem with procrastination and her grades are suffering. According to learning concepts in the textbook, why is she procrastinating? What can you recommend that she do?

2. Explain learning self-control from a Biblical perspective. Give an example of a time when you learned self-control in your life. Use concepts from the textbook and at least two scriptures to support your answer.

Essay Assignment: Change (Module 5)

1. Assume you have a new position as a counselor. What are four things you can do to ensure that the treatment outcomes for your clients will generalize to settings outside your office?

2. Explain forgetting from a Biblical perspective. Is it possible? Why or why not? Use concepts from the textbook and at least two scriptures to support your answer.


1. Your friend has decided to use punishment as a means of training her new puppy. What are three things she must do to ensure that the aversive stimuli used will alter the pup’s behavior?

2. Explain learning to overcome fear from a Biblical perspective. Give an example of overcoming fear from your life. Use concepts from the textbook and at least two scriptures to support your answer.

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