The descriptive and the normative.



During the recent state of emergency, there is a strong interconnection between the descriptive and the normative. The descriptive is about how we understand the world–e.g., what is the transmission rate of the virus; how long will the shelter in pace last; to what extent is the medical infrastructure of a local region prepared for a given amount of patients? But the normative has to do with planning, deciding, and reasoning through what people should do as a function of the current state of affairs. We discussed that there is a strong connection such that the descriptive can inform the normative. How we understand the scientific modelling informs what kind of heuristics we use–e.g., 6 foot distance rule.
Your task is to analyze a particular connection between the descriptive and the normative. Pretend that you are Sherlock Holmes, trying to track down, explain, and illuminate the the complex ethical-sociobiological machine. Write a paper where you present a clear analysis of HOW the descriptive determines normative human behavior and/or vice versa.




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