Policy Evaluation


As per Porche, “policy evaluation is the systematic. empirical assessment of the effects developed from the policy. Policy evaluation is the step where we take a look back to determine if the policy met it objectives. Was it successful? How could the policy be improved?
For this assignment consider the policy you discussed in Weeks 4 and 5 and how that policy was or should be evaluated.
Write a 2 3- page paper including the following:
o 1. Summarize the policy and at least 2 -3 objectives of the policy.
o 2. Was there a policy evaluation plan? What was the results of the evaluation?
o 3. If you can not find a policy evaluation plan, what steps would you take the evaluate the policy?
o 4. How should research be used in the policy and evaluation informed policy evaluation?
o 5. Did policy solve the issues for which it was developed? Was the policy successful?
o 6. Have there been any unintended consequences?
o Was there any ethical issues that arose related to the policy? Were these issues foreseen in the original policy design?


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