The Nature of Law


Read both articles on Dworkin before completing the multiple choice. Thanks A word of advice: the multiple choice is rather more difficult because there is no specific passage to which the questions refer. You have to answer the questions by looking at Dworkin’s essay in its entirety. To be clear, however, there is still only one right answer but in a couple of questions, the options will look pretty close. My advice is to keep in mind what Dworkin is trying to do in the essay to figure out what would be the best answer in the context of his objectives. I have faith that you are capable enough to deal with this added level of difficulty. THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS (locate this on the file and you will see the a​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​nswer choices) 1) Dworkin says his goal is to “make a general attack” Hart’s theory of legal positivism. What is the “organizing idea” that informs his strategy of attack? 2) Taking into account Dworkin’s strategy, why does Dworkin think legal positivism portrays law as a “model of rules”? 3) What does Dworkin view as the major difference between rules and principles? 4) What conception of “discretion” does Dworkin ascribe to the legal positivists? 5) Why does Dworkin think legal positivism must fail as a theory of law? The writer does not need to complete the written section… only the multiple choice NOTE: The writer does not need to complete the written section… only​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍​ the multiple choice.

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