Industry Gap in Practice


Create an executive brief presentation in which you define the gaps in practice within a selected industry scenario.
For this assessment, you will conduct a gap analysis to determine available opportunities within a particular industry to gain competitive advantage in areas
such as operational excellence, product development, and customer segmentation.
Gaps in practice can come from multiple sources such as legal or regulatory concerns, disruptive technology, convergence of trends, entry of nontraditional
competitors, customer or market shifts, and a pandemic such as Covid-19. I will choose the industry scenario: Connected Autonomous Vehicles (Self-Driving
To determine the gaps in practice, you will research the current state of the industry and define a desired future state for the industry. Having identified the
gaps in practice, you will articulate strategic decisions to be made within the industry. Sample areas of strategic decisions include operational excellence,
customer intimacy, and product leadership. Examples of strategic decision options are existing products marketed historically, products marketed in new
sectors, and new product development in new markets.

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