Notable photographers from 1940 – 1959


Choose a photographer from this list:
Notable photographers from 1940 – 1959:
Adams, Ansel
Baltermants, Dmitri
Beaton, Cecil
Berko, Ferenc
de Biasi, Mario
Bischof, Werner
Brassai (Gyula Halasz)
Bravo, Lola Alvarez
Bravo, Manuel Alvarez
Bush, Peter
Boix, Francisco
Bluhova, Irena
Burri, Rene
Brandt, Bill
Capa, Robert
Cartier-Bresson, Henri
Domon, Ken
Doisneau, Robert
Bruce Davidson
Domon, Ken
Eisenstaedt, Alfred
Edgerton Harold Eugene
Frank, Robert
Giacomelli, Mario
Goldblatt, David
Gosani, Bob
Gottlieb, William P.
Haas, Ernst
Helmer-Petersen, Keld
Henle, Fritz
Ho, Fan
Herve, Lucien
Halsman, Phillippe
Hurrell, George Edward
Karsh, Yousuf
Kalischer, Clemens
Kuhn, Heinrich
Kijima, Takashi
Kikuchi, Shunkichi
Kitazumi, Genzo
List, Herbert
Lerski, Helmar
Lange, Dorothy
Model, Lisette
Morath, Inge
Man, Felix, H.
Miyatake, Toyo
Namuth, Hans
Newton, Helmut
Nilsson, Lennart
Newman, Arnold
Outerbridge Jr., Paul
Parkinson, Norman
Penn, Irving
Pitseolak, Peter
Plicka, Frank
Parks, Gordon
Riboud, Marc
Rai, Raghu
Ray, Man
Sudek Josef
Sander, August
Tata, Sam
Jerry Uelsmann
Van Parys, Germaine
Vandivert, William
Weegee (Arthur Fellig)
Weston, Brett
Weston, Edward
White, Minor
Wolcott, Marion Post
Madame Yevonde
Zimmerman, John G
This list of photographers enhances your readings from the textbook chapters of this time period. No textbook can include all the photographers/artists working in a certain time period.Therefore, to support your understanding and build up your knowledge, attached is a list of photographers working between the years 1940-1959. Please note that some of these photographers may have been active in the years before or after 1940-1959.
Exercise #2 is a bit different from #1. This time, you may choose any artist on this list. Please pay attention because the questions below are a bit different from exercise #1.
1. Choose any photographer from this list. Please choose one that you have not reported on previously.
2. Answer the following questions in order:
A. Introduce the photographer. Give us a little of Their background. Tell us why they are notable. (9 pts)
B. Who or what event played a major role in this person’s career? Did they belong to an organization , a collective, a group, etc. What kind of impact did they have on photography, science, the art world, or society in general? (9 pts)
C. Choose one of their photographs and embed ± /paste/attach it onto your answer.(2 pts)
D. Describe in detail the image you just embedded (9 pts). Explain how this photograph fits into the context of your answer in #28 (above) (9 pts).
3. List 2 references where you found information about the artist and/or the image.(2 pts)

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