Create a professional development plan.
1. Assess your current skill set by doing the following:
a. Describe two skills you possess that will help you with your education and professional development in the field of health information management.
i. Explain how the skills you described in part C1a will help you succeed in your future educational and professional development endeavors.
b. Describe two additional skills you want to develop in the future.
i. Explain how the skills you described in part C1b will help you succeed in your future educational and professional development endeavors.


c. Write one SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal for each of the skills identified in part C1b.
i. Describe how each goal addresses each of the following components of a SMART goal:
• Specific: What is the goal?
• Measurable: How will you measure your progress in achieving the goal?
• Achievable: Do you have the skills required to achieve your goal? If not, then explain what skills you need to achieve your goal. What is your motivation for this goal?
• Relevant: Why are you setting this goal now? Is it aligned with your overall education and professional development plan?
• Time-bound: What is the deadline for your goal? Is your deadline realistic?
2. Develop an action plan that outlines 2-3 steps that are needed to achieve each of the SMART goals written in part C1c, including the following components:
• a target date for completing the goal
• resources needed
• how you will monitor your progress
• a contingency plan


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