Early childhood education

Using the unit readings and your own research on your state Early Childhood standards, write a five-paragraph of your essay, including the following elements to explain your philosophy of early childhood education.
Introduction: Introduce yourself and the role you will play in the lives of the young children you serve.
Second paragraph: Describe ways to support the families you serve (e.g., communication, knowledge of services available to help families in your community, early intervention services, etc.).
Third paragraph: Explain your vision of an ideal early childhood learning environment that adheres to the guidelines of your state standards and laws regarding caring for the young child.
Fourth paragraph: Describe your ethical responsibility to children as it applies to your vision of early childhood development and your career goals.
Conclusion: Explain in a short concluding statement how you came to your conclusions in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, and why your viewpoints matter.



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